Friday, March 17, 2017

God-blessed and God-ordained

In Genesis we read about how Adam and Eve were instructed to "be fruitful, and multiply." (Gen 1:28)  this includes having children and teaching them the primary reasons for marriage.  It is for a man to "cleave to his wife" and  to "be one flesh"." (Gen 2:24).  Within these powerful scripture, we see the symbolism of commitment and emotional union of a husband and wife, we also see the message that is the understanding that sexual intimacy itself is a powerful symbol of the meaning of marriage.
As Latter-day Saints, I think that we tend to not discuss sexual intimacy.  If you look at the world, it make sexual intimacy seem like a shameful act or even dirty.  But with in the bonds of marriage, it is a a celebration that is God-blessed, and God-ordained.  Sexual intimacy isn't just about procreation,  it is about binding a husband and wife together.  
Sexual Intimacy is not always a subject that couples want to talk about.  Elder Hugh B. Brown said, Thousands of young people come to the marriage altar almost illiterate insofar as the basic and fundamental function is concerned...... if they would frankly discuss the delicate and sanctifying aspects of harmonious sex life which are involved in marriage...much sorrow, heartbreak and tragedy could be avoided".  If we as a couple can talk about our intimate relationship, it can strengthen our marriage.
In the book "How to Make a Good Marriage Great",  Sean E. Brotherson said "The sexual embrace should never be a chore or a duty, but a loving part of a larger relationship.  Of giving to our partner, cherishing, respecting, protecting each other.  It won't be easy.  But the rewards can be incredibly great if we choose to make them so".
Fidelity is an important part of cherishing your marriage. As we read in Goddard's book "Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage", those who love faithfully and patiently reap the harvest of joy and companionship.  
Keeping our eternal marriage intact can be hard if we listen to the subtlety of Satan.  We should all be alert to the temptations that Satan will use to break up our marriages.  Goddard lists 10 ways to avoid the temptations.  
1.  Do not allow the seed of lust to germinate.
2.  Never make excuses to spend time alone with a person of the opposite sex who is not your spouse.
3.  Take responsibility for the messages you give.
4.  Do not allow your heart to dwell on anyone.
5.  If you find yourself making excuses for continuing the relationship, you are addicted.
6.  Spend more enjoyable time with your spouse.
7.  Renew your spiritual efforts.  
8.  Don't set yourself up for failure.
9.  Keep your soul free of the soul-numbing barrenness of pornography.
10.  Celebrate the sweet gift of companionship
James Marshall observes "The grass is always greener on the side of the fence you water."  Goddard said. "If we tend our own little patch, even with its weeds and rocks, we will find joy that passes understanding.  If we sit on the fence and dream, we will lose even our allotted garden spot.  And the devil knows that".

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