I have enjoyed the readings for this week, and it has given me a lot to think about. Growing up, my parents taught me about the law of consecration...give all you have for the building up of the kingdom of God. But I did not realize that the covenants that I made in the temple over the alter with my husband was also about consecration. Giving all I have to create a marriage that would bring my family into the presence of our Heavenly Father, is what I need to do.
In the Book "Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage", by H. Wallace Goddard, PhD, Dr. Goddard said, "Consecration moves us from acceptance to using our spiritual energy to rescue our imperfect partners". There was a time in our marriage that I needed rescued. I believed that my family would have been better off without me, but it was my husband who rescued me from the dark hole.
As we give gladly and wholeheartedly, we give all we have and all we are. This is so important in a marriage. We do not give to receive. We give because that is what we need to do. As we consecrate our lives to our spouses, we will be blessed. Consecration is a covenant that moves us from asking how we can get our needs met, to asking how we can bless and serve.
Dr. Goddard said "Consecration in marriage is not simply about receiving our entrance card to the Celestial Kingdom. It's also about becoming qualified for the life we will presumably be living there.
At the end of our chapter on Consecration, there is a 30 day experiment. For 30 days are you willing to show nothing but kindness and appreciation to your partner? Are you willing to set aside complaints and disappointments and see the good intentions and best effort in your partner?
I have decided to try this 30 day experiment and keep a journal on how it has worked for me. I know that I will be blessed and our marriage will only become stronger as I go forth with the experiment.
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